How to develop a working prototype in just four weeks

You have this idea for some time now, but you are not sure of its viability or how the targeted user group will perceive it. Building a digital product is expensive and the market trends evolve at an incredible pace. After all, months of research, designs, and development are usually needed to come to an MVP, and the idea could be either massively adopted or invalidated. On the other hand, a prototype can help you validate the technical feasibility of your idea in a matter of weeks.

Multidisciplinary team

In four weeks, we can help you build a working prototype based on your idea. A team composed of an UI/UX designer, a frontend developer, a backend developer, and a delegated product owner is formed to develop the prototype. Several solutions are explored, sketched and designed. The most promising one is then developed into something you can show to and test with potential users.


To achieve this goal, we compress our classic process into a more concise one. Smaller cycles mean we can iterate faster on your requirements and deliver a concrete outcome at the end of these four sprints. A complete product cannot be developed from start to end with the shorter process, but it gives you and your organisation something invaluable: the possibility to fast-forward into the future and validate your assumptions. It is also a great way to convince stakeholders while reducing risks.

All we need to start is your idea

It starts with your idea. It can be anything: a redesign of an existing application, a specific feature or even a brand new digital solution.

English Version Process Visual


The first step is having a few workshops, laying down the requirements and defining user stories. The workshops help to re-think the concept and express what is really important. When the purpose of the prototype is clear, we together define what needs to be done. Initial concepts are sketched and the best-conceived solution is selected. These workshops are unique to the project and their content depends on the specifics of the concept.

Once the foundation is clear, the iteration loop can start.


The UI/UX designer converts the selected low-fidelity concept into a high-resolution design, ready to be handed off to the developers. But the designer’s task doesn’t stop there. He is actively supporting the developers with new iterations of the design, both during the development phase and after getting feedback from actual users during the testing phase.

"The designer is actively supporting the developers with new iterations of the design."


The developers start the implementation with the selected concept and build the prototype while receiving new design details on-the-go. Communication between you, the designer and the developers is really important here, as time is limited before the next phase commences: testing the deliverable.


Together we review the current state of the prototype: Is it working as intended? What should be added or changed? Once these types of questions are answered, we go back to the design and development phases, before testing again and so on.

Next step

Four weeks later, we hand you your customer-testable prototype and a better picture of the problem you are trying to solve. Its technical feasibility has been validated and you can now focus on two others keys of your product’s success: the business validity and the human desirability.

Your application might not receive the anticipated response. In that case, we can plan new iterations to comprehend together what is missing or can be improved, and you saved yourself and your team months of works. But hopefully, your idea shows great potential and your assumptions are validated: you now have a clear idea of what the next step is.


This article is written by developer Steven

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Inspire develops web applications, mobile apps and API's for a variety of clients. We are committed, transparent and driven to make your project a success.

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